The GOWDY Family
North Carolina

Will of William F. Gowdy

(Submitted by Judy Driscoll) One day in Spokane City Library, Spokane Washington, I saw a whole set of NC legislative records and in looking at the index found about 100 references to our William Gowdy.  I the mean time, here is a brief sketch of what I know about our William.  William F. Gowdy Esq. was the son of William Gowdy b. about 1700 Ireland, wife's wife unknown, d. about 1769 possibly in York Co. PA. William F. Gowdy b. 1747 Lancaster York Co. PA, d. 1795 Guilford Co. NC m. 1. Anne Scott, married 2. Jane E. Paisley White.  He served in the NC Senate and was a member of the House of Commons (Rev. War years), possibly also in PA but we are uncertain about this.  This information was gleaned from the Gowdy book, the section on the Gowdy's of Tennessee and also from the book, Buffalo Church and her People.  I have copies of the following land records and wills. I also have copies of the Family Bible belonging to Robert Gowdy, William's son, who is my 4th gr. maternal grandfather. William's ch. = Elizabeth b. 1784 m. 1. Henry Billingsley (possibly 2 to John McLinn however this is in question) William Scott James III m Ann Anderson moved to SC Robert b. 1772 m Mary Anderson moved to Sumner Co. TN about 1800 and then on to White Co. IL about 1816 (my gr. grandfather) Sarah b. 1774 b. 1774 m. John Anderson John C. b. 1775 m. Elizabeth Polly Anderson rem. to TN and IL James 1782 m. Rebecca Ross stayed in NC I believe.  All of the children are listed as born in Guilford Co. NC. The family were all members of the Buffalo Presbyterian Church in Guilford Co., the Shiloh Presbyterian Church in Sumner Co. TN and the Hopewell Presbyterian Church in White Co. IL.  I have submitted the family Bible contents on the Sumner Co. TN GenWeb site.

WILL OF WILLIAM F. GOWDY, December 16, 1778

TO ALL WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL CONCERN GREETINGS; KNOW YE, that we for and in consideration of the sum of FIFTY (50) schillings for ever one hundred acres, hereby granted, paid into our treasurer by William Gowdy have given and granted unto the aforesaid William Gowdy, a tract of land containing Five Hundred and Sixty Acres, lying and being in our County of Guilford on the waters of Reedy Fork of Haw River.  -------------In testimony whereof we have caused our great seal to be hereunto affixed. Richard Caswell Esq. Our Governor, Captain, General and Commander-In-Chief at Kingston, the Sixteenth (16) day of December in the year of our independence and in the year of our Lord 1778. By his Excellancy Com. R.C. Caswell.   Glasgow, Sec Book 6 pg. 18 Deeds of Guilford Co. NC.

This indenture made the sixth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety five between Wm. Scott, Henry Ross and James Gowdy in persuance of the said last will and testament of William Gowdy Dec'd and for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and thirty two pounds, twelve shillings the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath bargained and sold alined and confirmed unto the said James Tomlinson his heirs and assigns forever all that piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the county of Guilford on both sides of Russels Branch.  Beginning on Robert Gowdy's   line on a post oak sapling running thence north along Walter Milikam's line one hundred and ninety poles to a white oak then west twenty poles to a post oak hence north seventy four poles to a hickory grub thence east one hundred and fifty poles to a post oak thence south seventy three poles to a post oak thence oak thence south one pole to a stake thence west eighty three poles to a black oak grub thence south one hundred and ten poles to his own line thence east one hundred and twelve poles to a post oak thence south eighty poles to hickory and black oak thence west two hundred and eighty nine poles to the first station containing three hundred and thirty one and a half acres of land being part of three tracts of land granted to William Gowdy by the State of North Carolina and by the said William Gowdy deed to his son John Gowdy as will appear of record.  And also all woods, underwoods, tithes, commons, common of pastures, profits, commodities, advantages, hereditaments ways, waters and appurtenances whatsoever to the said message and land above mentioned belonging or any way appurtaining ... and also all estate right, title interest, claim and demand whatsoever of them the said William Scott, Henry Ross and James Gowdy unto the said James Tomlinson, Henry Rofs, (Ross), James Gowdy, Wm. Scott sealed and delivered in presence of Howell Parker, Wm. Gowdy, May Court 1795 Guilford Co. Attest John Hamilton C.C.

In name of God Amen: November 15, 1786 .   I, William Gowdy being of perfect health of body and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament Viz and principally and first of all, I give and surrender my soul into the hand of almighty God who gave it, and my I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent clean place, burial to be at the disposition of my executors, nothing doubting but at the heavenly resufrection I shall move the same again by the mighty power of God to blefs me within this life, I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.  First: I give and bequeath to my two sons James and William Gowdy the land I live on being a deed of 560 and one of 90 acres to be divided between them agreeable to quantity and quality including all improvements.  Second:   I give and bequeath to my two other sons, Robert and John the land on Russell's branch to be divided between them agreeable to quantity and quality, and that each of of my four sons pay to my daughter Sarrah twenty pounds within the term of three years after they come to the full possession of the land as above or any of their parts sold as mentioned below, and if any of my sons die and leave no heirs of their own, that part to be divided equally among my children male or female; but, if my two sons William and John incline to learning and either of them and the Rev. David Caldwell, William Scott and Henry Ross shall think that part of land allotted them sufficient to pay the expense let it be done only with proviso that William shall take Robert's part, and Robert have his to prevent James from being encumbered with a bad neighbor.  Third:  That my moveable estate be divided as follows; James to have the horse Tony, William to have the horse Jack, Robert to have the horse Sorrell, John the two youngest Colts.  That my daughter Elizabeth Billingsley have the black Mare and a Cow and Calf, and my daughter Sarrah have the Mare Phenice and her saddle and the bed I sleep on, and the rest of my personal estate to be divided among my four sons and my daughter Sarrah, only such thereof to be sold as will pay my debts and burial expenses and that my children live together so that they keep the Estate as they get it but, if otherwise, that one that disturbes the rest to have theys part laid off to them and let them separate from them that one peaceable and indifferent that part of personal Estate that belongs to my sons Robert and John to be sold to the best advantage and the money reserved for their use and I do hereby constitute make and ordain my son James Gowdy, William Scott and Henry Ross Executors of this my last will and Confirming this and no other to be my will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.  No witness being present Call upon Thomas Henderson Esq., Henry Ross and Hezekiah Rhodes or any other to prove the hand writing aggreeable to a law made at Newbern the twenty second of October 1784 William Gowdy (seal) Proven by Thomas Henderson, William Scott Henry Ross.

A codicil to my last Will and Testament now in the possession of Cap't Henry Ross.  WHEREAS about a year ago when I made the said will and testament I was then a single man and being since married must leave a way of living for my well beloved wife after my decease, so therefore leave to Jean Gowdy my well beloved wife one third part of all my real estate in manner as the law desires during her natural life and also a childs part of all my personal estate and I also empour the executors of my last will and testament to call on the Clerk of Guilford County for a copy of John White's last will and testament and the inventory returned of the same in order to know the value of my personal estate and that my last will and testament be fulfilled as far as is consistant with this which is my desire, and that this codicil be held as a part of my last will and testament and proven in the same manner, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 10th day of November 1787 William Gowdy seal Codicil to the last will and testament of William Gowdy to the care of Henry Ross.

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